Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My First FAQ Post!

Alright, so many (none) of you have been asking me some questions about my life, such as "Cody, should I buy a project car?",or "Cody, how do I change the oil in my car?", and of course, the most common, "Cody, how do you attract such beautiful women?".

Well, yeah. I do think you guys should all buy project cars, because no matter how many problems you come across, and there will be many, the good times will always outweigh the bad times. Today I am going to tell you guys about my first project car, a 1970 Opel GT. I bought it with my friend during the spring of my junior year of high school, and over the summer we attempted, keyword there, "attempted", to restore it to it's former glory.

My friend found the car at a defunct dealership and decided to take a look. The floorboards were rusted through and near the wheel well there was a large piece of bodywork that was just sort of missing. Didn't matter. He was hooked and soon enough, so was I.

Not 5 minutes after purchasing the car, we stopped at a gas station to fill it up for the 50 mile journey home. At this point it decided it hated it's new owners and decided to break down. After being told we would have to move it, I began to wonder just how much gasoline I would have to ingest to forget that this purchase ever happened. Luckily it never came to that because by an act of god the car restarted and we made it the rest of the way home without any issues. Except when the windshield wipers started attacking each other. But it didn't matter! It was home, it looked good, and it was ours!

I was so excited to clean it, work on it, drive it, basically anything to do with the car was an exciting thing, until it came time to title the car. To make a long story short, my buddy and I had to remake the 50 mile journey about 3 times in order to obtain the right paperwork because the DMV had it out for us. I understand how that statement can sound a little conspiracy theorist-ish, but I swear that the DMV told us we needed one thing, then another, then something different again. After contemplating burning the car to the ground as a symbol of revolution against the DMV and everything it stands for, my friend and I calmly talked to another representative who finally agreed to give us the title.

The important thing to remember is that although there were some very rough times during the beginning of our relationship with this car, we always remember how fun it was to own and experience the car. I think everyone who is interested in cars should buy a project car at some point, because its a great learning experience and I guaran-damn-tee that you are going to gave a great time.

Oh, I almost forgot. The only way to attract beautiful women is to work at a video rental store and own a Mazda Miata. Once you've done that, you're golden.

Thanks for reading! Come back soon to hear about the time that I stalled the project car at a major intersection!