Like everyone else in the world there are things that irk me, things that just make me go "why god why". Since I now have a blog and like 20 readers (on a good day) I have a place to talk about such things. So get comfortable ladies and gentlemen, because this one is a doozy, and something that is negatively affecting all Americans.
Truck. Nuts.
For those of you who don't know, truck nuts are a pair of male genitalia or in layman's terms, balls, which are made of rubber and hang off of a truck's tow hitch. They just dangle there, serving no purpose whatsoever, or so it may seem. I have decided to delve into the deep underworld of truck nuts to discover if they actually have a purpose, and if they do, what that purpose is. Here we go!
First! Maybe girls like them?
Nah. Having spoken to what I'm fairly sure were girls, I can definitely say girls don't like a pair of rubber balls hanging on a tow hitch.
Second! Maybe they're funny?
No dice. After researching (googling) "things that are funny" I have discovered that truck nuts were surprisingly not listed. Huh. Odd.
Third! Maybe, just maybe, they serve a purpose I don't know about.
The only thing they do is hang there and in my opinion, look bad. Some might say they look tacky or hickish or possibly even good, but I think the word bad really describes exactly what truck nuts look like. If truck nuts were a person, they would have a confederate flag on their wall and be of the mindset that the south would someday, truly, rise again.
Well I'd better be off. For the betterment of America, I have decided to take a cross-country trip and destroy every pair of truck nuts I find. To follow along with my journey and join the cause, head to
Thanks for reading!
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