Sunday, April 13, 2014

I've bought a car!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my blog!

I started this blog because I am a big fan of Jalopnik, and also because it sounded like more fun than typing my English paper that is due in a few hours.

I bought a car last summer and I am proud to say it is somehow still working and I haven't ruined it yet! is a great place to find a lot of cheap things, such as hot tubs, erotic experiences, cars etc., and it is the place where I found my car, a 1994 Mazda Miata (The first year for the 1.8 liter engine!!).

*waits for all the gay jokes to roll in*

All jokes aside, I do love my car, but it does need a little TLC. I plan on updating the blog as I discover new problems and telling you guys all about them!

Thanks for reading!


  1. "*waits for all the gay jokes to roll in*"

    Aight nigga..........

  2. You are hilarious, Cody. Hahaha! I actually clicked on the link to see what image would be portraying tender loving care, but was surprised to see the actual TLC girl group's photo. Hahaha! That was a nice touch. Anyway, all jokes aside, I'm glad you found the perfect car for you at the moment. Drive carefully and have lots of fun! :)

    Micheal Miller @ Butler Kia of Fishers
