Thursday, July 2, 2015

2 Yearsish in Review

Alright guys, I know it's been awhile since I've written a post, due mostly to the fact that I've been under fire for my last post from a certain carmaker (lookin' at you Hyundai) and a certain people (lookin' at you Korea) for some claimed "libel" against them. I disagree, but thats beside the point.

Also, hey Craftsman, please never sell that stupid wonky-ass wrench thing again.

Anyways, it's probably been about 2 years since I bought the Miata, and I feel like another yearly review is in order! This one however is going to be a bit different than the last one, since there haven't really been that many catastrophes in the last year. Without further adieu (?), here we go!!!!

THE ONE AFTER SUMMER - This is when the largest catastrophe of the year showed up, and it was honestly all my fault. Hopefully you read my post about how I just forgot that engines need oil and how I more or less ran the Miata at redline without oil in the engine... oops...

I'm also fairly sure there wasn't a lot (if any) coolant in the car, which is also kind of necessary I've heard... Anyways, I was driving the car along one day and all of the sudden the engine temperature gauge moved directly toward the gigantic H, which stands for either "Hot" or what I assume is "Holy god what kind of moron runs a car without coolant/oil you colossal jagweed". The crisis was averted somehow because the needle moved back to the C or in other words "Cody you are so freaking lucky your car didn't just explode", and I pretty much went along with my day.

I threw some oil in the car (no coolant because why on earth would I check that???), drove back to Omaha to store the car for the winter, and went on with my life.

SNOWYTIME -  I came back home for winter break and decided that a temperature of 0ยบ was a good time to bust out the convertible. BUT FIRST, I finally checked the coolant in the car and whaddya know, it was LOW. Like lower than a 1997 slammed stance nation civic in a Taco Bell parking lot. I headed to my former employer (Walgreens - No, we won't process your porn in our photo department) and picked up some coolant, and we were ready to drive!

I basically just drove around with the top down for a few days while wearing probably around 7 layers of clothing. All in all, it was a good time, until the renters across the street from my house put a tow notice on my car, denoting it as "dead storage". I don't see how it could be considered dead storage, seeing as I'm pretty sure the car is louder than an airplane and the entire population within a 2 mile radius can hear it when it starts. The important part is that I don't hold a grudge against them, even though they're total jagweeds....

"WOW IT'S BEEN RAINING A LOT LATELY" - Spring! The perfect time to go back home and pick up the Miata!I did! Nothing interesting happened! Moving on!

IT IS VERY WARM - Imagine, you're driving along the interstate doing about 80-82 and you hear a very interesting noise coming from behind your instrument cluster. You think "Oh, no big deal, that happens all the time" and continue on with your life, dreaming about taking your Miata all the way up to 200k so you can write a blog post about it. Then BAM! The speedo shows you doing zero even though you swear that all of the things around you are still flying by at 80+ mph. And to top it all off, your odometer breaks, so you have no way to prove your car made it to 200k so you can impress all the girls. That my friends, is misery.

But yeah, my speedo broke, and it's still broken, and I have a very vague idea of how fast I'm going, and I probably wont fix it because it's not worth it, and I would like to see what would happen if I got pulled over. I think I'll have a better shot with a "my speedo is broken :(" as opposed to showing the officer some cleavage.

Well, that's all I really have for you guys this time around! Overall, it was a pretty uneventful year for the Miata. No sheared bolts or busted calipers or 5 hour exhaust jobs. She still leaks oil, possibly coolant, screeches like a banshee and generally looks like a car thats done 198k miles, but I still love it as much as the day I bought it.

Thanks again for reading, and here's a special photo to celebrate 2 years!

Throwback to my first day with the Miata

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