Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Unicorn

Basically, I've been in Spain for the last four weeks tearin' it up and what not, and I've seen some pretty interesting coches, or "cars" for those of you who are uncultured philistines. A few Ferrari's here and there and maybe even a Range Rover or two, but nothing that really made me get on my knees and thank god for that blessed moment of pure automotive happiness.

Until yesterday. Yesterday, I saw it. The unicorn. MY unicorn.

But first, a quick intro into how I found it. I took a trip to Barcelona with a group of friends, and we have been traveling around the city looking at the sites, such as the Sagrada Familia, Olympic Stadium, and god willing, a Spanish version of the world famous golden arches positioned strategically close to a nude beach. I mean what more can you ask for?

While taking a taxi to a fountain show late at night, I happened to notice a car up ahead that was sitting pretty low to the ground. It peaked my interest for a second, but I figured it was just some basic vehicle, like a Peugeot or some pedestrian Ferrari. As I got closer, I noticed the taillights, and thats when it hit me. This is the night I will remember forever, because there, on the streets of Barcelona, was my unicorn.

The DeLorean.

It was beautiful and every promise made by Back To The Future was finally fulfilled. The gull-wing doors looked amazing and all I wanted to do was open the door and slam it into fourth gear. I mean, I could've probably hit 88mph and went back in time to stop my past self from acting foolish in front of all those girls back in high school. Naïve Cody, as I like to call him, really needed some help back then.

So basically the entire taxi ride consisted of two American's freaking out in the back of a taxi over a car. I've left a good impression on that Spanish taxi driver, who will think from now on that all American's love DeLorean's. But if we're being honest, who doesn't?

Anyways! Usually I leave you guys with some sort of lesson that may or may not apply to the story I told earlier, and today isn't really going to be all that different.

I urge the 6 people that aren't my mom reading this blog to study abroad, because maybe, just maybe, you'll find your unicorn as well. Also, nude beaches.

Thanks for reading!

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