Friday, March 27, 2015

(A lack of) Oil (but not) Parentheses

Welcome back to my car blog! Today's post concerns our old standby, my (rusty) white, 1994 Miata and my continued attempts to bring it back into showroom form!

And how have I done you ask?!

Bad. Real bad. Imagine the Hindenburg crashing into a fireworks factory located directly across from an old folks home/puppy farm bad. There's just fire and bingo pieces everywhere.
Pictured it yet? Alright, cool, now double that.

Bad right???

Here's the story, and honestly, before we get started here, I want you to know that its nobody's fault but Brooke's. She is at fault. If you see her today, or any day in the future, please just give her a snarly (is this even an adjective??) look for trying to kill my car.

Anyways! As you know, the Miata is like ~2010 BP (honestly not sure when the oil spill was and too lazy to research but just roll with it) and just leaks oil all over the place. It spent the winter in my grandfather's garage and I am truly scared that the oil level on his garage floor is probably higher than the oil level in my car's engine. Swag. This normally isn't a problem, as long as you continue to fill the oil receptacle (I didn't) and don't run the car without any oil in it (I did). Basically, I did everything you shouldn't do and now the Miata is (maybe?) on life support (possibly?).

Oil for cars is like.... ketchup for tasteless and bad French (is this capitalized?) fries. You just need ketchup for those puppies or you're not gonna have a good time. I mean you probably wont anyways, but at least it'll help.

We are currently at the point where I'm praying that there was no damage to the interior of the engine and that I won't have to buy a new engine/new car (which I totally would btw #MazdaMiataordie #notawasteofmoney #rideordie).

Hopefully everything turns out fine with the car, and either way I'll probably let you guys know. Then I'll probably ask you for help because I'll be too distraught and crying in a corner to actually work on the car. Basically the usual when something goes wrong... But anyways!

However, there is a bright side to this whole situation, which is that since all the oil leaked out, and I put new oil in, I basically changed the oil in the car! And I needed to change it too! So good!

The lesson I leave you with today is that you really should try to find the bright side in any bad situation, unless that situation is tasteless french fries. At that point, its best to just call it a day, go to bed, and try again tomorrow.

Oh, and one last thing, it's (possibly?) (maybe?) (dear god hopefully not) leaking coolant too. I love that damn car.

Thanks for reading!